Sunday, August 1, 2010

When did I grow up

When I was a baby I was always so small, did I grow big, did I grow tall, I really don’t remember at all, I just don’t know. (Amy & Zack children song)

 As a little girl, I had just enough for me. I was the first best thing that ever happened to my parents at the time, and so I was loved and cherished by them both. To show how much they love me, they both combined their names (Beatrice & George) to name me (Beageorge). All I can say is if they hadn’t given me that name, I would have sued them by now lol. I love my name. 

My parents wanted the best for me and strive every way possible to give that to me. It might not have been gold and diamond on a silver platter, but as I look back to those days, I highly appreciate whatever was given me and still feel as appreciative as I did at those moments. You know how small things that use to seem so big when u were younger seem to be so small when grow up.  I still see the things, care and love they offered back then as big as they are. There is now doubt that God give me the right family or parents. Indeed, God is in love with me but I’ll keep it a secret.

with 2 of my brothers and sister
Even though I was soon joined by a few brothers and a sister, and having been equally loved, I still felt special and well catered to.  I could never have been any happier. My parents thought us to be content with what we had, to always think it’s the best at the moment and strive toward improving that status with time. They also thought us not to beg and steal, that I’ve not departed from. We were thought to fear the wrath of God by obeying his commandments, and that is a life long project.

The one special thing about being a child is that, you can ask and cry for whatever you want till you get it. It’s not your concern how your parents get it to you, you just want it. As a child, you don’t have to worry about how to get food, school fees, clothes, shoes, toys, gifts, ect. All you care about is to have it at all cost, and have enough play time.  Oh!!!! How I  sometimes miss those day. I do miss the good night kisses and the running to daddy whenever he’s home (Papa na come).

I love you mom and dad. Thanks for making that decision to keep me and start a family. Many unborn were never given that chance due to abortions. Because of that decision, I’m alive and will strive to make you proud of me and yourselves for making such a brave decision.

Not withstanding, how did I grow big???? Now I can’t do mama cry nor play mama’s baby.
When did I grow old enough to start taking care of myself???? I now have to worry about providing clothes, food, and shelter for moi.   
When did I learn to make it on my own???
When did I learn to make decisions that shift my life each day??
When did I learn to contribute to the growth and development of my country?? 
When did I learn to be my brother’s keeper??

These are questions that I can’t answer or point out the beginning of their occurrences. I know God had a huge roll to play in it, and I’m blessed to have him do so.

When did I grow up????

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