Monday, September 27, 2010

Envisioning Liberia with a smile

Looking optimistically ahead at the bright future of Liberia

I see little kids having a peaceful and stable childhood
And not kids traumatized by war and being displaced.

I see them learning and reading the history of the civil war of Liberia
And not discussing their personal experience or being disarmed

I see them singing and playing under the moon light
And not panicking or hiding from stray bullets

I see them being supported and fended for by families
And not them supporting or fending for their families

I see a country with lots of employment opportunities
And not a country with a very high unemployment rate

I see a country with great infrastructure development
And not a country that reminds you of a village of the mid 20th century

I see a country whose citizens are nationalistic and patriotic
And a country whose citizens individual greed and gains are prioritized over the state’s

I see a country of united people
And not a country whose people are divided by tribalism

I see a country with 85% literacy rate
And not a country with 85% illiteracy rate

I see a country seeking change through intellectual or democratic means
And not a country that sought after change by taking up arms and destroying the present and future

I see a Liberia where we all enjoy the Love of Liberty that brought us together or united us

I see a sweet land of Liberty we can all be proud of because of our individual contributions as we all say
“All hail Liberia hail” “A home of glorious Liberty by God’s command

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