Monday, September 27, 2010

Importance of granting Dual Citizenship with Limitation....Partial Analysis

The current Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia does not allow dual citizenship for Liberian by birth. A proposed act to amend certain sections of the Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia has been presented to the Liberian Senate and it is sponsored by Senators Cletus Wortorson, Jewel Howard-Taylor, Abel Massalay, and Sumo G. Kupee.

Some Liberians were forced to flee their beloved country due to the unstable or unfriendly environment beginning from the crisis of 1979, 1985 and the war which started 1989 and then continue to 2003. They took up the citizenships of their different host countries to enable them enjoy the social, economic and civic benefits. Thus, making them to constitutionally loose their citizenship by birth, the Liberian citizenship.

The above mentioned Senators proposed an act to grant these Liberians by birth, who took up the citizenship of other countries, a dual citizenship status. This will allow them to hold the citizenship of Liberia and that of another country.

1.    Due to the “perceived” economic benefits that Liberia will enjoy and foreseeing the impact it will have on the development of Liberia, I also do agree with them that dual citizenship should be granted.
2.    I do see it as uniting all Liberians once again. All Liberians by birth share a common blood line and are being divided due to the present Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia. It is time that we all be united by law.
3.    Liberia is at a stage where every Liberian in any part of the world is needed to help in the development of this our beloved nation. In a phase of rebuilding those of us here cannot do it alone, so, we therefore need the skills and expertise of our brothers and sisters out there.

Some say Liberia is not ready for a dual citizen. In a time when we have inadequate or lack requisite skills for certain jobs, very limited investment capital and when the level of unemployment is so high, when is the right time if not now?

I am a woman, and the proposed act is also seeking my interest as woman. The present law says, a woman looses her citizenship as a Liberian if she marries a foreigner. We all know the famous saying “love is blind and sees no barrier”. Why should a woman loose her citizenship if she marries a foreigner? I see it as being unfair to women and that we are being greatly marginalized. When a woman marries a foreigner, she also takes up the citizenship of the man.

Dual citizenship should be granted so when a woman marries a foreigner she can maintain the citizenship of Liberia while bearing the citizenship of her husband’s country. And the proposed act is seeking to amend that aspect. Dual citizenship should be granted.

Some are against the idea of dual citizenship because of the problems involved in extraditions. Liberia has signed over a 100 treaties and the solution lies in having strong criminal cooperation instruments and bilateral extradition treaties. These treaties will stipulate which jurisdiction overrides when a criminal act is alleged.

Some say, those Liberians who loss their citizenship have their properties and riches in those other countries, so they are not sure what country these people will side with if Liberia goes to war with the country they hold their present loyalty and nationality to. Again, we all know the famous saying “where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is”. I think the solution to this is to grant them dual citizenship. This will allow them to own properties in Liberia. If these people are to own a lot of properties in Liberia, it can also be a guarantee that they might side with Liberia in times of war, for this is where their treasure and heart will be.

Some speak of the issue of “loyalty” to Liberia. I do agree with those who speak of loyalty, however, I don’t think loyalty should be a concern when it comes to the perceived economic benefits that Liberia will reap.  Investing and owning properties in a country has nothing to do with a man’s loyalty. You don’t have to be loyal to a country to invest and own properties there.

The issue of loyalty is very important when it comes to our national politics and holding key and strategic positions in our government.  Looking at the complexities, complications and protecting the interest of Liberians and this state, I have proposed to the Liberian Senate that limitations of a dual citizen be included within the proposed act.

A dual citizen shall not be eligible to run for any elected public office (Representative, Senator, Vice President or President) and cannot also hold the position of an Ambassador or any key position in the security and Chief Justice or Justices of the Supreme Court and any other position that may be found worthy of restricting individuals with dual citizenship.

The loyalty of a person is very essential to the above mentioned positions. Wanting to become a representative, senator, president or vice president means you want to seek the interest of a particular group of people. The loyalty of a person wanting to seek the interest of a particular group within the Legislature or the State must not have a divided loyalty. That person must be in every respect or entirely a part of the people.

Since we can’t predict the outcome of the decision that will be made by that person if the interest of the people he/she is representing conflicts with that of the person’s other country of citizenship, a dual citizen shall not be eligible to hold such position. One cannot serve two masters at once.

Becoming an Ambassador means representing the interest of the Republic of Liberia in other countries. That person is given full authority to speak on behalf of the country or the president. The loyalty of an Ambassador should not be divided, but should be only with Liberia. A dual citizen shall not be eligible to hold such a position.

It is the responsibility of the all security sectors or apparatuses to work together to protect and defend Liberia. Within the Security sectors, chain of command is very vital, so a dual citizen shall not also be eligible to hold any key position in those various apparatuses. Again, the security of this state will not be placed in the hands of dual citizen.

Granting dual citizen ship to Liberian with certain limitations will not be unique only to Liberia.
Ghana who granted dual citizenship to it’s citizens back in 2008 also have limitations. To name a few: Chief Director of Government Ministry, Director of Prison Services, commissioner of Customs, Excise and Preventive Services, Ambassador or High Commissioner, Chief Justice.

Nigeria who also granted dual citizenship in 1996 under the administration of General Ibraham Banbangida did so with limitations. Chapter V (five) section 66:1 of their constitution does not allow for a dual citizen to be qualified to run for election to the Senate or the House of Representatives.

To conclude, Looking at the many different reasons as to why it’s important to grant dual citizenship to Liberians by birth, while considering the issue of loyalty, dual citizenship should be granted with limitation for the good of every Liberian both in and out. These people can’t be blamed for taking up the citizenship of other countries to enable them enjoy the social, civic and economic benefits while seeking refuge there. Not withstanding, the interest of Liberians and Liberia shall not be compromised.

Let Liberians be united and once again call this sweet land of Liberty our home.
Let all Liberians contribute to the development of their country by birth.
Let women not loose the nationality of their beloved country due to marriage to a foreigner.
Let’s protect the interest of Liberians and the state.
Lets grant dual citizenship, but with “limitation”
God bless Liberia.

Envisioning Liberia with a smile

Looking optimistically ahead at the bright future of Liberia

I see little kids having a peaceful and stable childhood
And not kids traumatized by war and being displaced.

I see them learning and reading the history of the civil war of Liberia
And not discussing their personal experience or being disarmed

I see them singing and playing under the moon light
And not panicking or hiding from stray bullets

I see them being supported and fended for by families
And not them supporting or fending for their families

I see a country with lots of employment opportunities
And not a country with a very high unemployment rate

I see a country with great infrastructure development
And not a country that reminds you of a village of the mid 20th century

I see a country whose citizens are nationalistic and patriotic
And a country whose citizens individual greed and gains are prioritized over the state’s

I see a country of united people
And not a country whose people are divided by tribalism

I see a country with 85% literacy rate
And not a country with 85% illiteracy rate

I see a country seeking change through intellectual or democratic means
And not a country that sought after change by taking up arms and destroying the present and future

I see a Liberia where we all enjoy the Love of Liberty that brought us together or united us

I see a sweet land of Liberty we can all be proud of because of our individual contributions as we all say
“All hail Liberia hail” “A home of glorious Liberty by God’s command