Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As elections draws near and the momentum for campaign is increasing, the youth of this country are and will be target of all politicians. We will be used as agents of propaganda and possible violence or societal unrest. This has always been the case, not limited to Liberia. We are manipulated to serve the interest of politicians and soon forgotten after election.   
In Liberia, many would say “vote right” “vote Liberia” “vote wisely”, but I would say “politics is interest, VOTE YOUR INTEREST”. If politics wasn’t based on the personal interest of standard bearers and political parties’ key member, there wouldn’t be so many presidential aspirants in this our beloved country. They will all just work in collective effort.
Liberia today has so many unnecessary political parties. 2005 general and presidential elections gave birth to a new democracy after a long civil war. Freedom of participation has been exercised by all Liberians. The youth of this country were the ones who decided the fate of this country during that election. We constitute majority of the population. Now again, we have to decide the future of this country, a power that any group of people should maximize positively.
As youth of today make decisions of who to vote in office, vote your interest.  We are in majority and the politicians fear us.  If we stand together in Unisom, we will move this country forward. They say “we are the future leaders” but the future never comes. If we are the future leaders, our interest then is the” future”.  We must adequately assess the all political parties, their platforms, policies, objectives, goals and how it benefits in the future we look forward to claiming.
As we prepare ourselves academically, morally, and socially, we must start to think of what year or when we want to take over the leadership of this country. With this in mind, I say we start to outline what we want and at what level we want Liberia when we inherit the responsibility to moving this country forward.
Let us lend our support to someone who we believe can take this country to the point or level at which we want when it is time for us to inherit it. Someone who can lay the foundation for us to build upon. Someone who shares a vision and passion similar to ours. This should be our interest. Let us start to think of what we want, our priorities, and who or which candidate can lay that foundation us. Let us not be blinded by the conning ways of politicians or just our loyalty to a particular political party.
We must now use this election as the beginning of our endeavor to inherit this country. I believe our future starts for us as its leaders after this year’s election. I believe in a generational change, one that depends on our actions and decisions of today, our preparation, our vision and our ability to work along with the older generation; for their guidance is needed.
The change we seek will not be given to us on a silver platter; neither will we achieve it through violence. We must unify ourselves and think seven to fifteen years ahead.  
We must vote our interest.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Morality and the Pursuit of Foreign Policy


Over centuries, there has been an ongoing debate about morality versus foreign policy.
The electorates give their leaders the power to protect and lead the state. In as much as public opinion or views is very relevant, in the actual execution of democracy it is difficult to always seek public opinions or take into consideration public sentiments.

Every nation is driven by its foreign policy and the actions carried out while seeking or pursing a vital interest should not be considered right or wrong based on the morality of that action, but on the relevance, importance or how prudent that interest is at the moment. The first goal of a government is self preservation. Saving the day and the securing the future for the future generation encompasses the essence of government’s decisions and present course of actions.

Sometimes the right or wrong of an action is not determined at the beginning, but the end justifies the means. Human rights and other advocacy groups are key players in attempting to enforce morality in the pursuit of foreign policy. Camillo Benso, who unified Italy, in the Count of Cavour, stated that “If we were to do for ourselves what we are doing for Italy, we should be great rogues."

Owen Harries once said in a lecture in Sydney on October 29, 2004, "there is something intrinsically nutty about using one's claimed moral superiority to justify one's adoption of lower ethical standards. To insist on the right to double standards - as American neo-conservatives like Robert Kagan are explicitly doing today - or to operate blatantly in terms of them, is to undermine one's own moral position and to store up trouble in the form of cumulating resentment and lack of credibility. Neo-conservatives often charge realists with exercising `moral equivalence'. `Moral equivalence' is a charge that has to be invoked with great care if it is not to become simply a device for deflecting criticism and stifling debate" ("Power, Morality, and Foreign Policy"; Orbis, Fall 2005).

Morality vs foreign policy

Morality is the rightness or wrongness of something as judged by accepted moral standards or a conduct that is in accord with accepted moral standards. (Microsoft Encarta 2009).

It is difficult to pursue a national interest on the basis of abstract moral principles. Professor Patrick James said in an article (For U.S. foreign policy, self interest is Morality)  that “The path toward human freedom is best pursued by pragmatically making the most of the opportunities that come along, rather than trying to figure out the “right” thing to do”

There are some vital interest that are worth stealing, lying, confiscating properties and killing for, it will be morally wrong not to risk morality to achieve that national interest. An example of whether an action is morally wrong on not is that of Liberia liquidating properties of German nationals and waging war on Germany. At the outbreak of World War I, President Howard attempted to maintain the country's neutrality, though he tended to support the Allies, whose colonial territories in Africa surrounded Liberia.

World War I resulted in the trade between Liberia and Britain, France and the United States being reduced to almost zero due to the German submarine blockade. Income from customs revenue was disrupted, when Germany, Liberia's major trading partner, withdrew from Liberia. This situation forced Liberia to postpone payment on the $1.7 million loan, and led President Daniel E. Howard to seek a $5 million loan from the Woodrow Wilson Administration. This attempt had a quicksand effect. The United States Congress refused to approve the loan.

Despite German protests, Howard allowed the French to operate a wireless station in the capital, Monrovia. Realizing that their complaints were in vain, the Germans sent a submarine to attack the city in 1917, forcing the reluctant Howard to side with the Allies and declare war on Germany on January 12, 1918.

Liberia then liquidated the property of German nationals in Liberia. The money generated from this liquidation was deposited into the Liberian government bank account to compensate for loss of revenue from the blockade. The war ended in 1918, and Liberia's Legislature ratified the Treaty of Versailles. (, Liberia declares war on Germany, August  8, 1914)

The German American political scientist Hans J. Morgenthau in his book Politics Among Nations (1948) perhaps best summed up the ideal of modern diplomacy: (1) Diplomacy must be divested of its crusading spirit; (2) the objectives of foreign policy must be defined in terms of the national interest and must be supported with adequate power; (3) diplomacy must look at the situation from the point of view of other nations; (4) nations must be willing to compromise on all issues that are not vital to them; (5) the armed forces are the instrument of foreign policy, not its master; and (6) the government is the leader of public opinion, not its slave. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.)
Morgenthau waned in 1957: "No statesman could pursue indiscriminately a policy of protecting democratic governments everywhere in the world without courting certain disaster."

He also stressed that "The realist recognises that a moral decision, especially in the political sphere, does not imply a simple choice between a moral principle and a standard of action which is morally irrelevant or even outright immoral. A moral decision implies always a choice among different moral principles, one of which is given precedence over others. To say that a political action has no moral purpose is absurd; for political action can be defined as an attempt to realize moral values through the medium of politics, that is, power. The relevant moral question concerns the choice among different moral values, and it is at this point that the realist and the utopian part company."

He also stated that "There is no escape from the evil of power, regardless of what one does. Whenever we act with reference to our fellow men, we must sin, and we must still sin when we refuse to act; for the refusal to be involved in the evil of action carries with it the breach of the obligation to do one's duty. No ivory tower is remote enough to offer protection against the guilt in which the actor and bystander... are inextricably enmeshed."


To conclude, not withstanding, morality must be encouraged in pursuit of foreign policy for it is relevant but should not be a decisive factor either. The world has become a global village and the idealism of isolationism will be difficult to pursue. America needs the rest of the world as much as it needs them. The myth that America will not buy into the idea of “pessimism and defeatism” sets them apart from other nations, but it also shows that their political expediency overrides morality. The diplomatic information released by Wikileaks exposed the courses of actions taken in diplomacy. The morality of some actions of the information release has been question by many. Asked if the WikiLeaks of 2010 would damage American relations with other countries, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates noted that "governments deal with the United States because it's in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us, and not because they believe we can keep secrets." (Wikipedia) The advocacy for morality in the pursuit of foreign policy has led to less deadlier or brutal wars through technological advancement of precise weapons and casualty evacuation strategies. President Roosevelt in a famous Chicago speech of October 1937 said that "national morality is as vital as private morality."  In the most famous work of Edward Hallett Carr, he quoted President Woodrow Wil­son's argument in an address to the Congress of the United States on the declaration of war in 1917 that "We are at the beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and responsibility for wrong shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized states.”

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Liberia’s approach to resolving the Ivorian Crisis.

A democratic election was held in Ivory Coast followed by a run-off election quite recently. This election was witnessed by the International community, independent observers and the results weren’t delivered to the public within the constitutional time frame of three days maximum given. It was announced that Alassane Ouattara  was elected through that democratic election that that Mr. Ouattara won by 54.1% of the vote and Mr. Gbagbo 25.9% . 

This result was announced by the Independent Electoral Commission and is considered credible by the United Kingdom, United Nations, White house and the African Union.

Liberia as chair of the Mano River Union (MRU), member of Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), African Union (AU) and United Nations must take a diplomatic approach in addressing this crisis. Liberia should not single out herself as a nation and take a position or side with a specific party in the crisis, but our decision must be in conformity and expressed through the official statements of the above organizations that we are a part of. Our approach must in no way jeopardize our position or role in the MRU but strengthen us further.

As a neighboring country and Chair of the MRU, we must play the role of a mediator considering the geographical closeness of both countries, how it is going to affect our economy, stability and our citizens residing in that  country.

In a broader light, we must be cognizant of the fact that any instability in the Ivory Coast will affect Liberia. A significant aspect of our economy and well being depends on the Ivoirian’s economy. The South Eastern region especially Maryland relies on the Ivory Coast for almost everything as it is preferable to do import and export with them. Most of our plastic utensils or plastic household items are imported from the Ivory Coast.

If a crisis erupts in that country, it is going to be strenuous on our economy due to the influx of refugees to Liberia. We have over 22,000 of our citizens in that country and we must firstly take into consideration their safety and survival.

We all are anticipating that Mr. Gbagbo would step down and allow democracy to prevail as a result of the pressure from the international community. Mr. Gbagbo has ruled Ivory Coast since 2000 without an election and faced a coup attempt in 2002 which started the long-running civil war.

The question is  “what if” he doesn’t step down? Liberia is still recovering from war so she must calculate well her cost and risk and can only do so if she appreciates or understands the problem.

The president has warned ex-Liberian warlords to stay out of the Ivoirian crisis.

It is my opinion that Liberia remains neutral as an individual state in her approach to resolving the crisis between both parties. We must consider using strategies such as background channeling and holding caucus meetings with the parties involved while trying to promote and allow democracy to prevail.

Get the Girls’ Education National Policy off the shelves and implement it

The Girls’ Education National Policy is a document that seeks the interest of girls and it calls for
v  Meeting Millennium Development Goal 2 by providing free and compulsory primary school and reducing secondary school fees by 50 per cent
v  Recruiting and training more female teachers
v  Providing counseling in schools for girls
v  Ending the impunity of teachers who commit sexual abuse and assault of students
v  Offering life skills at schools to raise the self-esteem so girls can say no to sexual abuse
v  Increasing the availability of small scale scholarships for girls
v  Strengthening health system in schools
v  Opening new parent-teacher associations and girls clubs
v  Promoting adult literacy

This document was launched on April 18, 2006 by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The Ministry of Education, UNICEF and other partners, have worked together to achieve the goals of the document.

In an article according to Patrick Slavin, Liberia launches Girls’ Education National Policy with support from UNICEF, the president said that “the education of the girl child in Liberia is critical and an urgent matter. It is actually about human rights and human dignity it is about peace and the development of the country. That’s why achieving universal primary education for all girls and boys is one of the Millennium Development Goals set forth by the member states of the United Nations.”

Implementation of the plan to educate girls was stalled for two years. It was not until 2008 when the Ministry of Education launched nationwide dissemination program. According to the ministry, 6000 (six thousand) copies of the policy were distributed and given to teachers throughout the country.

The ministry also initiated training of trainers teachers across the country to create awareness and to sensitize the schools on the Girls’ Education National Policy.

The first phase of implementation not having started for two years after the launch of the policy, put dormant the implementation sector of this policy, and no real focus has been given to the policy since.

We should begin to ask ourselves, why should important policies that will help in achieving elements of the Poverty Reduction Strategy be used to decorate the shelves of government offices? Why aren’t they implemented so that Liberia can progress from its underdeveloped stage to more advance stages of development?

The policies of providing free and compulsory primary school and reducing secondary schools fees by 50 per cent have been implemented. However, there has been little improvement in the recruitment of female teachers, which is one of the goals of the policy. Recently, the president announced that Teacher’s College of the University of Liberia will offer free tuition; additionally, students will receive monthly stipends. Adult literacy programs have also been implemented by a few schools. The policy has nine focal points but only three of them have been implemented. What is happening to the other six points? Are they not as important as the other three? Why is strengthening the health care system in schools not being implemented? What stalled the implementation of life skills courses at schools? Shouldn’t we want to raise the self-esteem of girls? Why is the policy against sexual abuse not being implemented? Prostitution is on the rise in Liberia. Girls in school are most vulnerable. If life skills are offered, these girls, who are part of our future leaders, may begin to learn to fend off unwanted attention.

It’s been reported that in 2010 in Kenya over 1000 teachers have been sacked for sexual abuse against students within the last couple of years. Liberia can do the same if we fully implement this policy.

The Minister of Education in an interview with UNMIL Radio stated that 300 public schools have been built over the years to help combat illiteracy in Liberia. I commend them for that, but if all focal points of the Girls’ Education National Policy were being implemented in these newly built schools as a start, it’ll show that the process is on and the policy is not just another irrelevant document to the growth of this country.

Private schools, however, have been left out of the process. They play a significant role in the education our people. Why is the ministry not making sure the policy is implemented in these schools? Shouldn’t there be good health care systems and counseling for girls enrolled in private schools too?  The policy should also cover girls of private schools. To conclude, the Girls’ Education National Policy is essential to the development of school-age girls. Mr. Alan Doss, former head of UNMIL, stated that “Quality basic education for the girl child is the essential prerequisite for the conquest of poverty”.

To conclude, the Ministry of Education needs to empower the implementation sector of the policy to actively implement, monitor and evaluate the progress of the girls' policy. The government must do more to improve the quality of education in both private and public schools. The poor performance of students over the past two years in the West African Examination Council and also the entrance exam of the University of Liberia both are evidence of the poor quality of education in Liberia. lets move Mama Liberia to the next level.

Vocational Skill Training, Another Key to Success.

Some came from a family with no relevance in society
And some couldn’t afford to earn higher education but made it through exploring the opportunities of vocational skill trainings

Achievement is all about determination and overtime hard work. Social status can be gained through personal merit and not only as a result of the fortunate circumstances into which somebody is born

Anyone can make it in life; you don’t have to be from a specific background.

Not everyone can afford to finish high school or go to college. It is often said that education is the key to success, and there are different kinds of education.
One can go through the standard schooling system (high school, college) and open doors to success, so can it be for those who go through vocational education (skill training). One can make it to great heights of achievement if anyone is well learned. All that matters is the time you put into practicing what you learned and exploring options in different fields.

The story of this lady is an example of how one can make it through vocational training or vocational education.
Marpu Mulbah is a 34yr old middle aged woman, born in Bomi County to a poor family. Years went by and she was sent to live with her aunt. As she diligently served her aunt doing household chores, and showed her eagerness to learn and fend for herself, she was given a job at her aunt’s salon as after school job. Marpu who is a fast learner, learned the different aspects of cosmetology offer at her aunt’s salon.

Being the only member of her immediate family in the in the city and with the determination that she will rise to be the light in her family, she saved up her salary with a dream to start off on her own after high school.
Upon completing high school and getting married the same month and year, she got a new job at the former first lady’s (Jewel Howard-Taylor) salon. There she improved her skills, served well and saved up more.

Three years later, the girl from nowhere was able to open her own salon and worked overtime to improve it. With dreams of making it better and expanding, she opened a second salon and successfully managed the two for the next couple of years.

Marpu later give one of the salons to her sister to empower her and to have another helping hand support the family back in Bomi. With a happy marriage and a son, Marpu decided to add another component to her salon, clothing business, and the little business venture went well.

Pushing beyond her boundaries, and the urge to expand and grow bigger, she then took a loan from the bank and became an international business woman.
She now has a salon, boutique and a restaurant.

This is a woman who went from grass to grace.
This is a woman who now contributes to government revenue by paying her taxes.
This is a woman who now satisfies consumer needs.
And this is a woman who made it just through skill training, not even a certified one.
With great determination, hard work, and implementation of what she learned, she is a living success story.

You don’t only have to hold a bachelor’s degree to succeed in this life. Vocational skill training centers are now being opened everywhere to help prepare people become self efficient.
You might want to get a degree some day, but don’t have the funds to earn it, you can always do skill training and establish a business of your own. With a full implementation of what you’ve learned and determination to push beyond boundaries, the business can serve as a source of income to see you through college.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Importance of granting Dual Citizenship with Limitation....Partial Analysis

The current Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia does not allow dual citizenship for Liberian by birth. A proposed act to amend certain sections of the Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia has been presented to the Liberian Senate and it is sponsored by Senators Cletus Wortorson, Jewel Howard-Taylor, Abel Massalay, and Sumo G. Kupee.

Some Liberians were forced to flee their beloved country due to the unstable or unfriendly environment beginning from the crisis of 1979, 1985 and the war which started 1989 and then continue to 2003. They took up the citizenships of their different host countries to enable them enjoy the social, economic and civic benefits. Thus, making them to constitutionally loose their citizenship by birth, the Liberian citizenship.

The above mentioned Senators proposed an act to grant these Liberians by birth, who took up the citizenship of other countries, a dual citizenship status. This will allow them to hold the citizenship of Liberia and that of another country.

1.    Due to the “perceived” economic benefits that Liberia will enjoy and foreseeing the impact it will have on the development of Liberia, I also do agree with them that dual citizenship should be granted.
2.    I do see it as uniting all Liberians once again. All Liberians by birth share a common blood line and are being divided due to the present Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia. It is time that we all be united by law.
3.    Liberia is at a stage where every Liberian in any part of the world is needed to help in the development of this our beloved nation. In a phase of rebuilding those of us here cannot do it alone, so, we therefore need the skills and expertise of our brothers and sisters out there.

Some say Liberia is not ready for a dual citizen. In a time when we have inadequate or lack requisite skills for certain jobs, very limited investment capital and when the level of unemployment is so high, when is the right time if not now?

I am a woman, and the proposed act is also seeking my interest as woman. The present law says, a woman looses her citizenship as a Liberian if she marries a foreigner. We all know the famous saying “love is blind and sees no barrier”. Why should a woman loose her citizenship if she marries a foreigner? I see it as being unfair to women and that we are being greatly marginalized. When a woman marries a foreigner, she also takes up the citizenship of the man.

Dual citizenship should be granted so when a woman marries a foreigner she can maintain the citizenship of Liberia while bearing the citizenship of her husband’s country. And the proposed act is seeking to amend that aspect. Dual citizenship should be granted.

Some are against the idea of dual citizenship because of the problems involved in extraditions. Liberia has signed over a 100 treaties and the solution lies in having strong criminal cooperation instruments and bilateral extradition treaties. These treaties will stipulate which jurisdiction overrides when a criminal act is alleged.

Some say, those Liberians who loss their citizenship have their properties and riches in those other countries, so they are not sure what country these people will side with if Liberia goes to war with the country they hold their present loyalty and nationality to. Again, we all know the famous saying “where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is”. I think the solution to this is to grant them dual citizenship. This will allow them to own properties in Liberia. If these people are to own a lot of properties in Liberia, it can also be a guarantee that they might side with Liberia in times of war, for this is where their treasure and heart will be.

Some speak of the issue of “loyalty” to Liberia. I do agree with those who speak of loyalty, however, I don’t think loyalty should be a concern when it comes to the perceived economic benefits that Liberia will reap.  Investing and owning properties in a country has nothing to do with a man’s loyalty. You don’t have to be loyal to a country to invest and own properties there.

The issue of loyalty is very important when it comes to our national politics and holding key and strategic positions in our government.  Looking at the complexities, complications and protecting the interest of Liberians and this state, I have proposed to the Liberian Senate that limitations of a dual citizen be included within the proposed act.

A dual citizen shall not be eligible to run for any elected public office (Representative, Senator, Vice President or President) and cannot also hold the position of an Ambassador or any key position in the security and Chief Justice or Justices of the Supreme Court and any other position that may be found worthy of restricting individuals with dual citizenship.

The loyalty of a person is very essential to the above mentioned positions. Wanting to become a representative, senator, president or vice president means you want to seek the interest of a particular group of people. The loyalty of a person wanting to seek the interest of a particular group within the Legislature or the State must not have a divided loyalty. That person must be in every respect or entirely a part of the people.

Since we can’t predict the outcome of the decision that will be made by that person if the interest of the people he/she is representing conflicts with that of the person’s other country of citizenship, a dual citizen shall not be eligible to hold such position. One cannot serve two masters at once.

Becoming an Ambassador means representing the interest of the Republic of Liberia in other countries. That person is given full authority to speak on behalf of the country or the president. The loyalty of an Ambassador should not be divided, but should be only with Liberia. A dual citizen shall not be eligible to hold such a position.

It is the responsibility of the all security sectors or apparatuses to work together to protect and defend Liberia. Within the Security sectors, chain of command is very vital, so a dual citizen shall not also be eligible to hold any key position in those various apparatuses. Again, the security of this state will not be placed in the hands of dual citizen.

Granting dual citizen ship to Liberian with certain limitations will not be unique only to Liberia.
Ghana who granted dual citizenship to it’s citizens back in 2008 also have limitations. To name a few: Chief Director of Government Ministry, Director of Prison Services, commissioner of Customs, Excise and Preventive Services, Ambassador or High Commissioner, Chief Justice.

Nigeria who also granted dual citizenship in 1996 under the administration of General Ibraham Banbangida did so with limitations. Chapter V (five) section 66:1 of their constitution does not allow for a dual citizen to be qualified to run for election to the Senate or the House of Representatives.

To conclude, Looking at the many different reasons as to why it’s important to grant dual citizenship to Liberians by birth, while considering the issue of loyalty, dual citizenship should be granted with limitation for the good of every Liberian both in and out. These people can’t be blamed for taking up the citizenship of other countries to enable them enjoy the social, civic and economic benefits while seeking refuge there. Not withstanding, the interest of Liberians and Liberia shall not be compromised.

Let Liberians be united and once again call this sweet land of Liberty our home.
Let all Liberians contribute to the development of their country by birth.
Let women not loose the nationality of their beloved country due to marriage to a foreigner.
Let’s protect the interest of Liberians and the state.
Lets grant dual citizenship, but with “limitation”
God bless Liberia.